Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 2, 3, 4...?

Geesh, maybe that was a bad idea, makings lists.  The past few days have been a blur. We had to get ready for another show which means a lot of things. Glazing, figuring out what to bring, unpacking and repacking the van, figuring out our new booth design, getting kids organized, emails, hotel reservations, looking over load in logistics... And now planning for how to get any work done over  Spring break with more shows coming up. Most of the time almost everything gets done. But that 'almost' is key. The house is a disaster, laundry has piled up, family birthdays are probably right around the corner or past and I've got nothing to show for it. Not to mention the shows we still need to apply to, Etsy postings, email newsletters, other marketing and of course pottery to be made.  I did, however, let some of it slide on purpose to just enjoy the kids while Sandy was out of town this time. So often I try and squeeze too much in and then just end up feeling terrible that I didn't hang out with the kids enough.  We had a blast just baking cookies, taking walks, talking, reading books, playing, getting hair cuts while watching a movie, went out to lunch and a birthday party today... So much better than trying to do anything else. Sure, I will clean the house...but now I'm too tired!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 1....

Alarm at 6:15am....
Wake up routines, kids off to school
I fiddle on the website.
Sandy and I discuss our day over good coffee...
I prep and throw about 20 pieces.
 Sandy hunts for wood at local store...
We discuss more and go out for a sushi lunch. Yum!
After lunch, I head on to hunt for packaging/shipping supplies.
Sandy works on coat hooks.
I gift wrap two packages.
I chat with a friend for lining up babysitting during spring break/summer break
Student arrives. I teach a lesson.
Sandy picks up Maddi from bus stop.
Simon is dropped off from play date.
Kids play with Sandy.
Student leaves.
Sandy makes dinner
I cover my wet pieces from earlier
Maddis does homework
Wash up for dinner
I load dishwasher/tidy kitchen
Stinky Simon needs a bath.
Maddi tells me all about her school friends.  :-)
Kids bedtime.
I respond to emails, work on website.
We prep for glazing day tomorrow
In bed at 11pm.  Tired.

Laundry needs to be folded. Our bathroom still needs cleaning.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Back to it?

I've decided to try this Blog thing again. Whenever I got around to writing something before....I fell asleep.  Then I realized that I didn't want to keep apologizing for lack of time, grammar or complete thoughts so I turned it off for awhile.  Then recently I heard that people who make lists sleep better, and it just so happens that I am a list maker.   Making lists doesn't always help me sleep, but that's usually because I'm thinking of all the things that need to or could be done.  So, I had an idea. What if I were to make a list of all the things we actually did do on any given day or week.  Not full thoughts, just lists and note taking.   I quickly realized that doing this everyday (however romantic that may sound) is most likely an impossible task.  All that would do is be a constant reminder of a promise unkept.  But I will commit to doing it as often as I can for one year.  As I embark on this project I hope it will be interesting to you, the reader.   If nothing else, it will at least be an experiment....
Good night for now...lets see what happens tomorrow...